Christmas - - 2007

Merry Christmas

--from Bob, Karen, and David Rule of Pinedale, Wyoming!

Now, for those of you whom we have not talked to in a decade or two, it is time to catch up on some family history!

Bob and Karen met in Cheyenne in 1986, and were married in 1987. Our first child, Scott, was born in September of 1992, but died at the age of nine days of SIDS. Our next child, David, was born in 1996, and he is now in 5th grade and doing great!

Bob has been self employed since starting Rule Communications in his dorm room while obtaining his Electrical Engineering degree at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, and Bob moved to Cheyenne in 1985. After Bob and Karen were married, both continued to operate Rule Communications, which was mostly a pager company, with its main service being pagers - - back in the pre-cellular era. In 1996, Bob and Karen put their first radio station on the air, KRRR in Cheyenne, which played a format of golden oldies. Next came KPIN in Pinedale in 1997, followed by KKRR in Casper and KHAT in Laramie. Offers came in for most of the radio stations, which came to us as a surprise, and they were too big to turn down. So, over time, we sold all of our radio stations except KPIN in Pinedale.

Bob drove to Pinedale in May of 2002 for the purpose of hiring a new manager, and ended up hiring himself. We later moved the family to Pinedale, and Pinedale, a small town in Western Wyoming, is now our new home.

Here are some KPIN pictures:

KPIN just celebrated Ten Years of being on the air - - here is a link to a local newspaper story on Radio Station KPIN:


Although radio has been a passion for Bob most of his life, David seems to have a passion for reptiles. David had to give up his Golden Retriever due to allergies which Karen has had for years, and he now has a leopard gecko. Here is David at our County Fair:

And, we live only ten miles away from White Pine Ski Area, and skiing is one of many sports that David loves:

David also enjoys Karate, and recently received his High Blue Belt:

Karen spends plenty of time being mother to David and wife to Bob, and keeping the two boys in line. She does much of the bookkeeping for KPIN Radio, and at times does a thing or two on the air.

Bob continues to be active in the Republican Party in Wyoming. Here is Mitt and Bob:

We have lost track of the addresses of many of our friends, and if you have found our web site, we would love to hear from you! The e-mail address for Bob is kpin followed by the at sign and then followed by wyoming dot com. (I had to tell you in this manner so spammers, using programs to hunt for e-mail addresses on the web, would not find our addresses!) The address for Karen is karenrule followed by the at sign and then followed by wyoming dot com.

Here is our mailing address:

Bob and Karen Rule

PO Box 1477

Pinedale, WY 82941-1477

Our home phone is (307) 367-8822.

We would love to hear from you - - please get in touch! We wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:16-18